
After a two-year hiatus during the global COVID-19 pandemic, in a time of many challenges, it is with joy that we renew our publication of English Language Learners Bring You the World.

Over 70 students from 29 countries have shared their stories and essays here. The contributions are organized alphabetically by country of origin. Student biographies are listed in the About the Authors section at the end of the book.

Although the students in the English as a Second Language and Intensive English programs at South Puget Sound Community College come from all over the world, their common experiences and dedication to learning English bring them together. As teachers, we are honored to have students who are so caring and so interested in learning. We hope you draw as much inspiration from reading their stories as we have.


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English Language Learners Bring You The World (2022) Copyright © 2022 by English as a Second Language and Intensive English Departments is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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