
15 Pancetta

Makes 2 rolls, about 4½ pounds each. Pancetta, pronounced (pahn-CHET-tah), is also known as Italian unsmoked bacon.


  • 1 whole pork belly, skin on. About 10 pounds.
  • 8 ounces kosher salt
  • 1 ounce granulated sugar
  • 1 ounce light brown sugar
  • 2 ounces cracked black pepper
  • ½ ounce juniper berries, crushed
  • 7 large bay leaves, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves, crushed
  • 2 ounces large garlic cloves, pressed or crushed
  • ¼ ounce Prague powder #1


Day 1: Fabrication and Cure Application

  1. Using a long, flexible knife, remove the rind (skin) from the pork belly.
  2. Using a meat mallet, flatten the thicker parts of the belly to make it an even thickness.
  3. Cut the pork belly in half width-wise.
  4. Mix the remaining ingredients to make the dry cure compound.
  5. Apply an even coating of the dry cure compound to the entire surface of each pork belly half. Massage the compound into the meat.
  6. Place the meat in a hotel pan or plastic curing tub and cover it tight with plastic film or a lid. Refrigerate.

Days 2 to 11: Cure Penetration

  1. Refrigerate the pork belly for 10 days. Overhaul every 2 days by turning the belly over. Wrap with fresh plastic film each time.

Day 12: Fabrication

  1. Rinse the pork belly pieces under cool water and blot dry with a clean towel.
  2. Starting at a short end, roll each belly half into a tight cylinder and, using kitchen string, secure it with a butcher’s truss.
  3. Hang the pancetta rolls in the refrigerator in front of the circulation fan. Place a drip pan underneath.

Days 13 to 26: Air-Drying

  1. Allow the pancetta rolls to air-dry undisturbed for 2 weeks.

Day 27: Finishing

  1. Cut the pancetta rolls down from their position in the refrigerator and wrap them in butcher paper or parchment. Place the wrapped pancetta in a plastic bag for storage. The pancetta is now ready to be sliced and pan-fried or used in pasta or other preparations.


Refrigerate up to 2 weeks, or freeze up to 3 months.