
1 Create a new book

You need to create a book (or, a book shell) in your Pressbooks account to:

  • add new content
  • import an existing Pressbooks

Create a new book

You can create your own Pressbooks in 7 steps.

  1. Log into your Pressbooks account.
  2. Hover over the ‘My Catalogue’ link in the top left corner of your Pressbooks account to reveal a drop-down menu.
  3. Click the ‘Create A New Book’ button.  You will land on the ‘Create a new book‘ page where you will be instructed to:
  4. Provide ‘Webbook Address.’  This is a short descriptor that is added to the end of “https://pressbooks.spscc.pub” to create your personal webbook’s web address.  Please note:
    1. Use title, or abbreviated title, of your book without spaces between words.
    2. Use at least four characters, letters, and/or numbers.
    3. Choose carefully as it cannot be changed.
  5. Enter ‘Book Title.’  This can be changed at a later date if needed.
  6. Choose a ‘Privacy’ option.  Select ‘No’ to work on your book in private.  Select ‘Yes’ to make your book public.
  7. Click the ‘Create Book’ button and begin your publishing journey.
The video tutorial below displays the 7 steps in action.


Textbook shell

Upon clicking the ‘Create Book’ icon, you will access the ‘Dashboard‘ of your book.  This is where you can begin to add, edit, and/or change your content.

Your new book has three parts:

  • A Front Matter part featuring an ‘Introduction‘ chapter.  Write an introduction to your book here. Include acknowledgments, copyright information, or other like content here.
  • A Main Body part featuring ‘Chapter 1.‘  Enter your main content here.  Add new parts and chapters as necessary.
  • A Back Matter part featuring an ‘Appendix’ chapter. Enter a bibliography, glossary, or appendices, or other like content here.

You can access each part independently and start working by following 3 steps:

  1. Start at the ‘Dashboard’ page.
  2. Click the ‘Organize‘ button.  There are two.  Click either.
  3. Click the ‘Edit‘ button associated with the part of the book you want to work on.
  4. Start work.
The video tutorial below displays the 4 steps in action.







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Create a new book Copyright © 2021 by Alaka Pradhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.