
Creating Open Resources: An Example

Presenter: Lauren Woolsey

This 10-minute lightning talk focuses on a single journey to create a robust set of lecture slides and lecture video for an introductory astronomy course, focusing less on the material itself and more on the process of developing open educational resources (OER) from existing lecture material. The intention is to help highlight the process for anyone else who has thought about contributing to the growing collection of OER worldwide but wasn’t sure what considerations should go into that development.

This session is aimed at educators who may be interested in creating open resources but do not know where to start.


  1. identify the steps needed to create robust resources,

  2. examine obstacles or pitfalls to avoid, and

  3. determine what to do with the completed product.

Open Education STEM Initiative Between Cambodia and US Partners

This talk highlights the Open Education STEM initiative between Cambodia and US partners. The initiative is helping provide a better future for Cambodian youth, making STEM education more accessible, affordable, equitable, and inclusive. The talk will describe the importance of contributions by diverse voices, including formal and informal educational institutions, international development agencies, businesses, and community groups. Together they contributed to the development and implementation of open education resources that match the Cambodian context, used in both formal and informal settings.

Highlights will include:
1. Specific contributions from diverse partners: The Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport; USAID; Carnegie Science Center; the Cambodian science museum, Kids City; University Professors in the USA, Wolfram Research, and Vernier.
2. The design of open education, student-centered, STEM resources for blended instruction in Cambodia. Differentiaton and computation thinking are significant factors in design.
3. The implementation of open education STEM resources, including teacher training and student curriculum.
4. Review of the impact of the open educational resources on skills and knowledge, accessibility, affordability, equity, and inclusivity.