
40 Practice: Graphing and Slope (3.1 – 3.4) — Intermediate Algebra

3.1 Points and Coordinates

  1. What are the coordinates of each point on the graph below?
  2. Plot and label the following points on the graph.
    \begin{array}{lll} \text{A }(-5,5)&\text{B }(1,0)&\text{C }(-3,4) \\ \text{D }(-3,0)&\text{E }(-4, 2)&\text{F }(4,-2) \\ \text{G }(-2,-2)&\text{H }(3,-2)&\text{I }(0,3) \end{array}

3.2 Midpoint and Distance Between Points

For questions 1 to 8, find the distance between the points.

  1.  (−6, −1) and (6, 4)
  2. (1, −4) and (5, −1)
  3. (−5, −1) and (3, 5)
  4. (6, −4) and (12, 4)
  5. (−8, −2) and (4, 3)
  6. (3, −2) and (7, 1)
  7. (−10, −6) and (−2, 0)
  8. (8, −2) and (14, 6)

For questions 9 to 16, find the midpoint between the points.

  1. (−6, −1) and (6, 5)
  2. (1, −4) and (5, −2)
  3. (−5, −1) and (3, 5)
  4. (6, −4) and (12, 4)
  5. (−8, −1) and (6, 7)
  6. (1, −6) and (3, −2)
  7. (−7, −1) and (3, 9)
  8. (2, −2) and (12, 4)

3.3 Slopes and Their Graphs

For questions 1 to 6, find the slope of each line shown on the graph.

For questions 7 to 26, find the slope of the line that would connect each pair of points.

  1. (2, 10), (−2, 15)
  2. (1, 2), (−6, −12)
  3. (−5, 10), (0, 0)
  4. (2, −2), (7, 8)
  5. (4, 6), (−8, −10)
  6. (−3, 6), (9, −6)
  7. (−2 −4), (10, −4)
  8. (3, 5), (2, 0)
  9. (−4, 4), (−6, 8)
  10. (9, −6), (−7, −7)
  11. (2, −9), (6, 4)
  12. (−6, 2), (5, 0)
  13. (−5, 0), (−5, 0)
  14. (8, 11), (−3, −13)
  15. (−7, 9), (1, −7)
  16. (1, −2), (1, 7)
  17. (7, −4), (−8, −9)
  18. (−8, −5), (4, −3)
  19. (−5, 7), (−8, 4)
  20. (9, 5), (5, 1)

3.4 Graphing Linear Equations

For questions 1 to 10, sketch each linear equation using the slope-intercept method.

  1. y = -\dfrac{1}{4}x - 3
  2. y = \dfrac{3}{2}x - 1
  3. y = -\dfrac{5}{4}x - 4
  4. y = -\dfrac{3}{5}x + 1
  5. y = -\dfrac{4}{3}x + 2
  6. y = \dfrac{5}{3}x + 4
  7. y = \dfrac{3}{2}x - 5
  8. y = -\dfrac{2}{3}x - 2
  9. y = -\dfrac{4}{5}x - 3
  10. y = \dfrac{1}{2}x

For questions 11 to 20, sketch each linear equation using the x\text{-} and y-intercepts.

  1. x + 4y = -4
  2. 2x - y = 2
  3. 2x + y = 4
  4. 3x + 4y = 12
  5. 2x - y = 2
  6. 4x + 3y = -12
  7. x + y = -5
  8. 3x + 2y = 6
  9. x - y = -2
  10. 4x - y = -4

For questions 21 to 28, sketch each linear equation using any method.

  1. y = -\dfrac{1}{2}x + 3
  2. y = 2x - 1
  3. y = -\dfrac{5}{4}x
  4. y = -3x + 2
  5. y = -\dfrac{3}{2}x + 1
  6. y = \dfrac{1}{3}x - 3
  7. y = \dfrac{3}{2}x + 2
  8. y = 2x - 2

For questions 29 to 40, reduce and sketch each linear equation using any method.

  1. y + 3 = -\dfrac{4}{5}x + 3
  2. y - 4 = \dfrac{1}{2}x
  3. x + 5y = -3 + 2y
  4. 3x - y = 4 + x - 2y
  5. 4x + 3y = 5 (x + y)
  6. 3x + 4y = 12 - 2y
  7. 2x - y = 2 - y \text{ (tricky)}
  8. 7x + 3y = 2(2x + 2y) + 6
  9. x + y = -2x + 3
  10. 3x + 4y = 3y + 6
  11. 2(x + y) = -3(x + y) + 5
  12. 9x - y = 4x + 5

<a class=”internal” href=”/intermediatealgebraberg/back-matter/answer-key-3-4/”>Answer Key 3.4