Chapter 8: Decision-Making

A large portion of leaders’ actions stem from decisions made about a specific situation. Being decisive can be a challenging feat for some people, but come naturally for others. One of the main issues with decision-making, is not simply making the decision, but living with the consequences. In this chapter, a general overview of decision-making, styles of decision-making, effective decision-making, and making decisions as a group will be covered.
Throughout this chapter, many topics will be presented that will help to develop decision-making ability and to understand the importance that decision-making has on a successful learning organization.
The learning outcomes for this chapter are:
- Define what decision-making is and the people it affects.
- Clearly identify the difference between the right answer and the ethical answer.
- Identify the decision-making styles, and critique the issues in managerial decision-making.
- Outline and critique some of the challenges to effective decision-making.
- Compare and contrast how teamwork is either beneficial or detrimental to decision-making.
Chapter Tips:
- How does decision making impact your personal life?
- How does being a rational agent help someone make the right decision?
- Think of the impact groups have on decision making.