Chapter 4: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Those who have the drive to start their own businesses have the key word when it comes to entrepreneurship: drive! Entrepreneurs must be willing to take a great gamble, not only financially, but socially and psychologically as well. Although for some entrepreneurs, it seems like a difficult endeavour, while others see it as extremely rewarding. This chapter will unpack the world of entrepreneurship by discussing some risks and rewards to entrepreneurship and how to manage a small business. It will outline the similarities and differences between entrepreneurs and small business owners. Finally, social entrepreneurship and how it all fits within the world of a learning organization will be examined.
The learning outcomes for this chapter are:
- Define entrepreneurship and the different types of entrepreneurs.
- Decipher the risks and rewards of being an entrepreneur.
- Define what a small business is, and its effectiveness in a marketplace.
- Clearly define the similarities and differences between small business owners, and entrepreneurs.
- Define the concept of social entrepreneurship, and how these concepts relate to the learning organization.
Chapter Tips:
- Relate the concepts of the learning organization to all facets of entrepreneurship.
- Focus on the understanding and meaning of the concepts of social entrepreneurship.