
Chapter Conclusion

This chapter focused on communication and how it effects organizational and everyday lives. Communication, the communication process, and how to effectively and efficiently communicate to others was discussed. Communication’s role within learning organizations and how the technological medium has influenced changes in learning organizations.

A review of this chapter’s major conclusions, include:

  1. Communication is the act of sending messages, either verbal or non-verbal, from one person to another. The communication process is the encoding and decoding of messages.
  2. Encoding is initiating the communication process, whereas decoding is interpreting the message, ready to offer feedback.
  3. Effective and efficient communication in organizations is done through verbal, written, and non-verbal messaging. An effective rubric for ensuring good communication is giving and receiving constructive feedback.
  4. The Hawthorne Effect started the idea of communication openness through interpersonal communication and communication richness.
  5. Correlating media with transmission in teaching, divergent methods of online and hybrid classrooms have been modern advancements of learning within organizations.

A view of the principles on leadership and management have been developed.  Effective speaking and listening skills, paired with assertiveness and supportive verbal communication, will be explained in the coming chapters to support the development of future effective leaders within learning organizations.


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Leadership in the Workplace Copyright © by Clayton Smith; Carson Babich; and Mark Lubrick is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.